Explore the world of flight from the comfort of your own home!  Check out the links below to access at-home activities in flight for kids, information about aircraft on exhibit at the Hiller Aviation Museum, a virtual tour of the main exhibit Gallery and even an at-home Mars rover simulator!

Activities from Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum and NASA

Coloring Books, Puzzles and Mazes

NASA Simulations

Program and drive a simulated Mars rover, control the powerful antennae of NASA’s Deep Space Network, or manage a resupply mission to the International Space Station!  No download required, simply visit the NASA web pages linked below for immersive and interactive simulation experiences.


Hiller at Home generously sponsored by



Color and Share

Join the Hiller Aviation Museum community in a fun, shareable at-home project!  Download, color, return and share a special aircraft!  Print and color at home or use an electronic painting app to make a creative design, then review a gallery of collected artwork!

Coloring Contest